After several false starts with other buyers over the past six years, Treelight Development Group has lodged a development application for a 37 storey residential tower at 466 Ann Street Brisbane.
The residential tower will be wedged between the Mantra Apartments and the New Yorker and has a site area of 486 sqm with just a nine-metre frontage to the street, framing the new development as one of the country’s thinnest towers.
According to the development application, the proposal is for a residential tower with activated ground floor atrium area and communal roof deck. The ground floor will include a cafe/bar and private cross block link connecting the Ann Street frontage with Perry Lane. Notably, the plans reveal a unique solution to parking: an internal car stacker.
Source: 466 Ann DA[/caption]
The project is a joint venture between Treelight and Newground Capital Partners and is designed by architects Rothelowman.
Jon Simpson, CEO of Treelight and Daniel Erez, Managing Director of Newground have met with Brisbane City Council several times prior to lodging the DA and have advised council are very supportive.
“We are proud to bring a boutique and high end project like 466 Ann Street, not often seen in Brisbane’s CBD, and are excited for the next stage of development,” Simpson said.
Daniel Erez of Newground Capital said the site has sat dormant for years, and it’s taken a bold developer with imagination, and the right team to take it from an empty car park to a useable and iconic site.
“A residential project of this calibre will invariably set a new standard of inner city living not only for Brisbane as the next world city, but Australia at the forefront of iconic architectural design,” Erez said.
Source: 466 Ann DA[/caption]The property backs on to Perry Lane between the New Yorker art deco apartments and Mantra on Queen.
466 Ann Street comprises of:
66 units – 65 x 2-bed units and 1 penthouse (4-bed) unit.
315 sqm dual level retail (bar) space at ground level.
A new cross block link to Perry Lane.
Podium rooftop communal pool & BBQ area.
Podium communal office space & boardroom.
Rooftop function room and lounge room with balconies.
The site has a lengthy history with The Courier-Mail reporting in 1998 how 12 people fled for their lives as an entire wall of the original building – the three storey Opal Centre – collapsed after office workers noticed cracks expanding in the walls and escaped as the building narrowly collapsed. The cause is reported to have been construction work on an adjacent, separate site.
According to Guinness World Records, the world’s thinnest tower is currently the i360 tower in Brighton, UK, which measures 3.9 metres in diameter, and is due to open mid-2016.