As of 20 May 2020
We are a news-first, independent editorial voice that informs and connects professionals working in the built environment and the broader community.
We are committed to building audience trust through transparency, integrity, quality and consistency.
We adhere to the highest standards of accuracy, fairness and balance to provide honest, independent and impartial journalism.
We are fiercely independent and our journalists and editors are free from the influence of advertisers and commercial business pressures.
We will at all times act ethically and report fairly and objectively, embracing The Statement of General Principles outlined by the Australian Press Council.
We will always endeavour to correct any mistakes at the earliest opportunity and invite any complaints to be resolved through our Complaints Handling Policy.
We do not take a policy position on specific issues, however, we will occasionally publish opinion pieces from academics and experts in their respective fields.
We will respect the privacy of individuals through adherence to privacy laws and codes of conduct.
We will avoid causing or contributing to distress, prejudice, health or safety of individuals or organisations, unless doing so is sufficiently in the public interest.
We will act with consideration and sensitivity to issues of race, gender, religion, nationality, colour, country of origin, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, illness and age.
We will ensure that conflicts of interests are avoided or adequately disclosed and do not have influence on editorial direction or published material.
We express our corporate values through our vision to empower our community to make better decisions that will result in better outcomes for the built environment.
We are privately-owned by our founders and staff and are free from external influence or interests.