A development application has been filed for an eight-storey residential block in the Sydney suburb of Arncliffe as developers move in to revive the neighbourhood.
The $19-million development, designed by CD Architects, will comprise 47 apartments, including 10 affordable apartments, and two basement levels of car parking with 54 spaces.
Bellmont Investments
The apartment mix is six one-bedroom and 41 two-bedroom apartments. A large common space is planned for the ground level within the north-eastern corner of the site, supplemented by a second rooftop communal space.
The site, at 2A Charles Street and 15-17 Kyle Street, is close to the airport. Arncliffe, 11km south of the CBD is primarily made up of low and medium-rise housing.
The development is planned for an amalgamated site of three allotments to total 1468 square metres.
Three single storey, older-style detached homes on the three blocks would be demolished under the proposal.
The Arncliffe precinct has been identified as suitable for high-density residential development, according to the development application.
“Development of the subject site will assist in establishing a transition in built form of similar scaled development, particularly along Kyle Street,” it said.
Kyle and Charles streets have been the location of a number of development applications recently, including a $13.9-million residential block at 18 and 19 Kyle Street, which was submitted to the Bayside Council last year.