A joint study has revealed infill development in Perth turns out to be three times cheaper than greenfield development.
The Property Council of Australia, the Office of Senator Scott Ludlam, CODA Architecture and Urban Design, and Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute (CUSP) have banded together to produce ‘Design Perth’, a report which has found that by developing Perth’s greyfield sites alongside rapid transit networks, the government may be able to save up to $94.5 million for every 1000 lots developed, compared to developing greenfield sites.
The large savings come from the difference in cost to government in providing infrastructure such as roads, water, communications, power, emergency services, health and education.
The report found that the government can save from the difference in cost in providing infrastructure such as roads, water, communications, power, emergency services, health and education, due to infrastructure already in place that brings the cost of greyfield sites down almost three times less.
The cost for greenfield sites is $150,389 per lot while greyfield sites come to $55,828, save $23 billion before 2050 if Perth increases infill targets from 47 percent to 60 percent.
After the review of potential growth and convenience of greyfield sites supported by rapid transit networks, CODA Architecture and Urban Design Co-founder Kieran Wong said that the community now needs to be involved with detailed and comprehensive consultation to ensure the best outcome is achieved.
Part of the consultation, Wong says, is to properly educate and inform the WA community on these findings to dissolve any protest around infill that may occur without all the information available.