As companies scramble to pivot in the new coronavirus economy, a landscape construction and maintenance provider, Martin Brothers, is offering external sanitisation services for properties in Brisbane.
A recent study shows the virus can survive on hard surfaces for up to 72 hours and is easily transmissible through casual contact.
While it is still unconfirmed how many cases are being caused directly by coming in contact with contaminated surfaces, experts are still advising to exercise caution.
“As a response to the current crisis, Martin Brothers are doing everything we can to ensure our community remains the safest and cleanest possible,” Martin Brothers co-founder Jack Martin said.
The external sanitisation services includes disinfecting footpaths, benches, handrails, car parks, roof tops and many other hard surfaces exposed to human contact.
Sanitisation services are best suited but not limited to residential complexes, apartment buildings, shopping centres, retail centres, office buildings, and frequently used common spaces.
“We feel it is imperative for the greater good of anyone living, shopping, working or passing through your properties to take sanitisation as a priority,” Martin said.
“With an already high demand for our new service through our current retail, body corporate and shopping centre clients, demand will only continue to increase and we have a trained team ready to commence services immediately.
Many property owners and managers have already undertaken the service including the James St Market, South City Square, Emporium Hotels and Mosaic Property.
“Providing clean and sanitised spaces for our residences and the public is our number one priority during this time.
“The services that Martin Brothers now provide to all of our properties across Brisbane has had an immediate impact, and is a service we will continue to use on a daily basis,” Pellicano development operations manager Michael Kent said.
“Once this current situation has passed we want to be known as the business that retained their staff and provided safety and stability to our community,” Martin said.
Click here for more information on how Martin Brothers can help keep your properties sanitised.
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