The NSW Government have drafted a new version of the state's Model Code of Conduct for Councils which was put on public exhibition for comment.
The rule book contains new provisions that are designed to improve ethical standards, deter non-compliance and lead to improved transparency and accountability.
Its contents applies to 1500 councillors and almost 50,000 council staff.
Local government minister Gabrielle Upton said these new proposed requirements would put an even greater onus on councillors to behave appropriately.
Banning accepting gifts or benefits greater than $50 and introducing mandatory reporting of all gifts or benefits regardless of value
Disclosing records of meetings and other communications with applicants and objectors to planning applications
Declaring being a property developer or a close associate of a property developer more regularly in official returns of interest
Publishing information in councillor and general manager official returns of interest on council’s website
Tough new standards against bullying, discrimination and harassment, work health and safety, on behaviour at meetings and use of social media
Clarifying that councillors must not use council information for personal purposes or undertake personal dealings with council during work time.
an application for development consent, or for the modification of a development consent, or
an application for a complying development certificate, or an application for the modification of a complying development certificate, or
a formal request to initiate the making of an environmental planning instrument or development control plan in relation to development on a particular site.