More land has been released for private development by the NSW Government as part of its bid to meet the state’s housing targets.
Property developers have been invited to submit proposals to develop three vacant parcels of government-owned land that could deliver hundreds of homes in Sydney and the Central Coast.
The sites have potential for more than 350 homes in high-growth areas, according to the Government, subject to approval of development applications.
They are currently zoned for low and medium-rise housing.
The sites were identified as part of an ongoing property audit, launched in May of 2023, being carried out by the state’s central property agency, Property and Development NSW.
That agency has now launched an expressions of interest (EoI) campaign for formal proposals to develop sites at Box Road, Wakeley; Windsor Road, Rouse Hill (pictured top); and Sparks Road, Wallarah.
The properties have been identified as part of the Government’s statewide property audit, which it said had so far identified sites capable of delivering 7100 homes.
Lands and property minister Steve Kamper said the latest EoIs aimed to deliver more than 350 homes.
Property and Development NSW chief executive Leon Walker said the EoI campaign would close on April 23 when the agency would assess developer submissions on the best options to deliver housing on these three sites.
“The Government can’t solve the housing crisis on its own, so we are calling on the capability of the residential development sector to deploy its capacity in partnership with the [state],” Walker said.
Alongside this campaign, Property and Development NSW was continuing to identify and assess additional surplus government-owned sites that could be repurposed to deliver more housing supply across the state, he said.
The latest release follows several tranches of sites across the state, including nine sites in Sydney and three in the regions released in October of last year.
The sites were three at Rouse Hill and one each at Edmondson Park, Stanmore, Earlwood, North Sydney, Chippendale and Fairfield. The regional sites are at Broadmeadow (Newcastle), Morisset and Orange.
As well, two sites at Box Hill and Riverstone would be transferred to Homes NSW for the potential development of almost 50 social and affordable homes and more than 35 market homes under the plan.
Earlier, the NSW Government revealed 14 other sites across Sydney and regional NSW would be transferred to housing delivery agencies.
Homes NSW began construction on the first of 16 state-owned sites in Sydney, the Central Coast, Newcastle, the Northern Rivers, and the Riverina late last year.