City Plots Redfern Carpark to Aged-Care Transformation

An expressions-of-interest campaign has been opened for proposals to redevelop a City of Sydney carpark. 

The city is calling for proposals to redevelop its council carpark at 49 Cope Street, Redfern, into a not-for-profit aged-care facility. 

Registered not-for-profit residential aged-care providers have been invited to apply to design, build and operate the facility.

It will comprise affordable housing for at least 50 residents.

Another 240sq m of space along Cope Street will be transferred by the city  to Wyanga Aboriginal Aged Care to be used as an outdoor area. 

The city wants the project to be delivered by or in partnership with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations or providers. 

Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore said that the project would help those most vulnerable in the middle of the city. 

“There is a desperate need for culturally appropriate aged care in inner Sydney,” Moore said.

“Were selling this site for a token $1 to a community housing provider on the condition it delivers aged care in perpetuity, and a 55-space community carpark under the development.”

The City of Sydney has opened an EoI campaign for proposals to build an aged care facility on an existing car park in Redfern. 49 Cope Street.
▲ The Redfern carpark on offer for $1 by the City of Sydney.

The conditions allow the project to be financially viable for the developer and also provides the residents in the community with parking space. 

It is part of the City of Sydney’s plan to build 5237 affordable and diverse homes by 2036. 

The council is worried at how expensive it is to build affordable housing in inner-city suburbs.

The expressions-of-interest campaign is due to end on December 19 of this year with a report back to council due early next year.

City of Sydney mayor Clover Moore who spearheaded the recent gas ban, on the roof of the council buildings in July 2020 when the council became fully electrified with renewable energy sources.
▲ City of Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore said they will sell the carpark site for $1 to a developer to ensure the aged-care facility is built and is affordable.
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