Australia’s leading property marketing podcast, established by Anthony Denman and Brett Allatt of Our Agency, has reached a new milestone, achieving almost 10,000 downloads of its episodes to date.
A selection of Australia’s most respected thought leaders have appeared on the show to date, including some of Denman’s most valued associates.
“Justin Brown, chairman of CBRE, was one of my very first clients at Our Agency—way back in 1994—and I got a real kick out of reconnecting with him. Most of my podcasts are done remotely but Justin and I caught up and did our podcast F2F in his office—pre-Covid.”
It’s not just Denman’s long-time connections who are on the podcast but also some high-profile players who he had never met previously.
“I am incredibly grateful to have connected with some of Australia’s leading property developers through the podcast, such as Iwan Sunito, Michael Grant and Luke Berry. Each and every one of those guests—and many others—have kept me spellbound on the edge of my seat, for the full duration of our conversations.”
But it’s just not real estate agents and property developers Denman converses with. Architects, interior designers, marketing managers and even his competitors get a run.
“I was initially hesitant to get our agency competitors on the podcast but came to the realisation if the concept was going to be authentic, they had to be there. Andy Hoyne of Hoyne Design and James Cooper from Metropolis have some of the sharpest minds in the business and I am extremely grateful they were willing to donate their precious time to the podcast—I have learnt a lot from both of them.”
The property marketing podcast was initially created to satisfy the curiosity of its co-founder, Anthony Denman, who is also the co-founder of Our Agency, one of Australia’s most experienced property brand and marketing agencies.
“I have always had a passion for broadcasting and a high level of curiosity, so creating a podcast was always on my to-do list—I guess the universe finally aligned, where I found myself with the time, place and means to pull it all together.
“I handpick my guests, with the No.1 criteria being respect for what they have achieved in our category to date and my desire to learn something new from them. None of my guests have disappointed me to date.”
The Property Marketing Podcast features Australia’s most experienced property, marketing, creative, development and design professionals, exploring their personal stories and providing insights on how to create the most successful place, property, project development, architectural, corporate and personal brands possible.
None of this would be possible without Princeton Mortgage Fund, who sponsor the podcast.
“I’ve known George Gadallah and Craig Anderson for many years, so I was very happy when they agreed to lend their support. They provide us with financial assistance but also provide the podcast with a healthy dose of credibility, given their high standing in the property finance and development category.”
Listen to the property marketing podcast on all of the popular streaming apps or by visiting
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