Developers will soon get the chance to rev their engines and propose plans for a new motorsport precinct in Victoria.
The Victorian government has revaealed that a new motorsport precinct—the Home of Motorsport—had been chosen within the Avalon Airport Precinct.
A state government investment of $1.6 million will help design and plan the precinct on the 150ha site, which will be a multi-purpose venue.
Motorsport supports more than 4300 jobs within Victoria with more than 1000 events held during the year, including the Formula 1 Australian Grand Prix and the Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix.
Plans for the motorsport precinct will cater for test days, grassroots competitions and elite events.
Motorsport Australia chief executive Eugene Arocca said the Home of Motorsport was a priority in the 2022-2023 Victorian Motorsport Infrastructure and Participation Strategy to support the large number of events in Victoria.
“Delivering a Home of Motorsport in Victoria would also enables the sport to grow its participation and competition with a reliable state venue,” Arocca said.
More than 22 per cent of all four-wheeled motorsport participation nationally in 2019 took place in Victoria.
It is also proposed that the venue will help support other major events being held in regional Victoria, including the recent Australian International Airshow 2023.
Regional Victoria is to host the 2026 Commonwealth Games across five different centres.