Australia's first real estate crowd funding platform, crowdfundUP, has gone live.
Perth-based CrowdfundUP, allows investors to access high end property developments and investments while providing property developers with a tool to broaden their investor base and facilitate capital.
The website, founded by former corporate lawyer Jack Quigley (pictured centre) provides an online space where property developments from across Australia can be presented in a consistent format allowing investors to easily review, compare, select and transact from anywhere in the world.
CrowdfundUP provides property developers with a capital raising platform that will incorporate systems to identify investors and their sophistication status, provide online offer and acceptance documentation and a secure, cost free escrow facility for transaction of funds.
“Our aim at CrowdfundUP is to offer property investors the opportunity to participate in the early stage investment of high end property developments that would otherwise have only been available to close associates of the developers themselves,” the company said.
“Our priority is to maintain a high quality of product rather than expanding to offer the platform to just anyone looking to raise funds.”
To list a project on CrowdfundUP, developers must have 10 years experience, an extensive track history of successful projects, well qualified and experienced key personnel, and a significant percentage of investment in the project themselves.
CrowdfundUP is authorised by financial regulators, including the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.